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A Different Kind of Hope

As Imbolc season approaches, I have been thinking about hope, my theme for the ceremony and the days that follow. I will be honest, hope, as I usually engage with...

Outrage Fatigue

It’s New Year’s Eve and I’m done being outraged. 2024 has been hard on my physical, mental, and emotional health, and the U.S. election was a contributing factor, but not...

The Radical Non-Action of Saying No

How do you review a year? If I was going to review 2024 as if it was a book, I think I would write “thumbs down,” “this plot is ridiculous,”...

Yellow Birch

Behind my house, shading the deck and my sit spot, is a lovely yellow birch. For many years, it was just “a birch of some kind.” Deepening my connection with...

Ostara Season: Potential

The Wheel of the Year has turned to the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere and we are entering Ostara season. Acknowledging the eight “spokes” of the wheel of the...

Imbolc Season: Clarify

The Wheel of the Year turned past the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere and we have entered Imbolc season. Acknowledging the eight...

Shamanic Reiki and Death

Candles are lit for those crossing the veil, including a long-time Shamanic Reiki client. The first time she got on my table she just wanted to relax and release the...

Yule Season: Reflect

The Wheel of the Year is turning towards the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere and the corresponding celebration of Yule. Acknowledging the eight “spokes” of the wheel of the...

Charge of the Spirit of Earth

Listen to the words of the Earth, the spirit of all things wild and free, and keeper of ancient secrets that yearn to be known in this new age. I...

Lughnasadh Season: Make It So

The Wheel of the Year has turned to a cross-quarter day, Lughnasadh, beginning the season of manifestation and abundance in the northern hemisphere. Acknowledging and celebrating the eight “spokes” of...

Change and Transformation

Can change as a transformative and healing process? A transformative process may start with an event that shakes you up so much you don’t feel like you will ever be...

Navigating Change with Shamanic Reiki

Years ago, when I was first starting out as a Shamanic Reiki practitioner and teacher, I wrote about change on my “ about me ” page. I recently revisited it...