I had had fifteen years of Reiki experience already when I discovered Shamanic Reiki. I did not need more Reiki training to continue serving as I had been, but I was drawn to the aspects of shamanism that were incorporated into Shamanic Reiki. My first training weekend experience marked a pivotal point in my work – and my life.
Here are three reasons why:

Reiki table prepared for Shamanic Reiki session with drum, smudge, shell, crystal, and feathers
- Shamanic Reiki encourages the development of your own intuition over learning a system. There is a basic structure and well-defined techniques to get you started, but the experiential training invites you to connect with and follow the guidance of helping spirits who you can call on when serving others. There is nothing to memorize and you cannot do the practices incorrectly if you trust your intuition. For me, that meant freedom to leave behind some of what, in Usui Reiki, did not resonate with me and to be more adventurous in a session.
- Shamanic journeying is an empowering tool for your personal development as well as helping others. In Shamanic Reiki trainings, journeying is introduced in a way that is immediately accessible for most. Even those who are nervous (as I was) or have felt unsuccessful when trying to learn to journey previously (as I had) almost always have a breakthrough in a training. Once you can access the shamanic realms, there is lots of guidance available to you – guidance for making decisions, moving through loss, visioning, and finding a spiritual direction. I can no longer imagine navigating life without having journeying in my toolbelt.
- Shamanic Reiki turns an energy practice into a way of being that feels present and fulfilled daily. With an emphasis on simple but profound practices from a variety of shamanic cultures, Shamanic Reiki invites a deep connection with nature and our fellow humans that shifts the way you interact with them. Within a few months of beginning, I developed a more loving relationship with the land I live on and the creatures that inhabit it, including my family, which has inspired me to offer care and stewardship in new ways.
If you are ready to start your Shamanic Reiki journey, whether as a novice energy healer or a seasoned practitioner looking for new healing tools for yourself and others, visit my training page for upcoming offerings or Shamanic Reiki Worldwide for advanced training options.