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Calendar of Events

Citizens’ Climate Lobby Wildlife Action Team meeting


The Citizens Climate Lobby Wildlife Action Team meets the first Thursday of each month at 8:00pmET/5:00pmPT on Zoom. We often have speakers from wildlife research and conservation organizations. Guests are welcomed. Contact me for the link or join Citizens Climate Lobby and the Wildlife Action Team and take action for the climate and wildlife.  

North Country Wild Care Meeting

South Glens Falls Fire Company 361 Reynolds Road, Fort Edward, NY, United States

Wildlife rehabiliators and others interested in volunteering in wildlife rescue in northeastern New York, please join North Country Wild Care members at our monthly meeting, every third Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm. If you cannot attend in person, please contact the North Country Wild Care hotline at (518) 964-6740 for the Zoom link.

Citizens’ Climate Lobby Wildlife Action Team meeting


The Citizens Climate Lobby Wildlife Action Team meets the first Thursday of each month at 8:00pmET/5:00pmPT on Zoom. We often have speakers from wildlife research and conservation organizations. Guests are welcomed. Contact me for the link or join Citizens Climate Lobby and the Wildlife Action Team and take action for the climate and wildlife.  

My Shamanic Life podcast channel