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Shamanic Reiki blends the timeless wisdom of two ancient healing traditions with new approaches and practical teachings. Discover them in Level One, Level Two, and Master Practitioner Shamanic Reiki training.

Reiki healing guides and balances life force energy through the light touch of hands in non-intrusive positions on or near the body. In Shamanic Reiki, you learn to itegrate Reiki with shamanic practices. The blend is natural as the two healing forms are based on similar principles.

These trainings are offered both in-person and virtually via Zoom, and are under the auspices of Shamanic Reiki Worldwide.


Click available trainings listed below for which you’d like to register. Training registration link is in the event details.

Shamanic Reiki Level One

Shamanic Reiki Training-Level 1

$95 per person. Pre-registration is required.

Successful completion of Shamanic Reiki Level One qualifies you for Level Two training.

Stepping onto the path.

Begin your journey towards becoming a Shamanic Reiki healer in this highly experiential training. You will practice simple yet powerful techniques that join Reiki together with intuitive, Earth-honoring approaches from diverse shamanic cultures.

During Level One training you will:

  • Receive the Reiki Level One attunement to activate and empower your innate ability to heal,
  • Practice self-healing methods and intuitive strategies for the transmission of Reiki,
  • Integrate shamanic techniques to access alternate realities beyond time and space within your healing work,
  • Explore shamanic methods that will open you to the healing forces of the Earth and the elements,
  • Discover how to create a healing environment and develop your own healing practice,
  • Engage in life-shifting shamanic journeys to empower you, and more.

Register today for an upcoming training to explore and practice a systemized yet intuitive approach to manifesting profound natural healing at your fingertips to help yourself, your loved ones, your pets, and our Planet.

Click here for upcoming virtual and in-person Shamanic Reiki Level One trainings dates and registration.

Shamanic Reiki Level Two

Shamanic Reiki Training - Level 2

$125 per person. Pre-registration is required.

Prerequisite: Shamanic Reiki Level One (or Reiki I and shamanic journeying experience). Successful completion of Level Two qualifies you for Master Practitioner training.

Deepening the journey.

In the shamanic worldview, we are all interconnected through time and space by a living, conscious web. This concept, understood as “oneness,” allows us to affect change regardless of our physical placement in time and geography. In the Level Two training, you will expand your work with Reiki to benefit another, or a situation, across geographical distance.

This experiential course deepens your integration of two ancient healing forms—Shamanism and Reiki. You will practice time-tested methods that enhance intuition and expand consciousness, as you:

  • Receive the Level Two attunement and three powerful energetic symbols,
  • Establish an inner sanctum and investigate the consciousness of the attunement symbols,
  • Shapeshift and journey with a power animal spirit guide for long distance, one on one, and personal healing,
  • Increase the potency of the energy you channel, and receive and give a distance treatment,
  • Practice simple absentee healing methods,
  • Release energetic blocks through shamanic journeys,
  • Clear negative energy from a room or space, and more.

Click here for upcoming Shamanic Reiki Level Two virtual and in-person trainings dates and registration.

Shamanic Reiki Master Practitioner

Shamanic Reiki Master Practitioner Training

$245 per person. Pre-registration is required.

Prerequisite: Shamanic Reiki Level Two or Reiki II and/or Master with shamanic journeying experience. Master Practitioners are welcome to apply for the year-long Master Teacher program conducted by Shamanic Reiki Worldwide.

Seeing the larger picture.

Shamanism teaches you to use the powers of nature to heal. In Reiki, you channel life force energy to heal and restore balance.

During this master level program, you experience the combined powers of shamanic and Reiki healing and apply detailed, proven methods to enhance your healing skills for practice with others and for personal well-being.​

Through ancient practices and dynamic group and partner exchanges, you gain hands-on experience in healing work.​

We apply Shamanic Reiki approaches to:

  • Expand consciousness and work with spirit guides,
  • Balance energetic trauma and shift attachment to past events,
  • Work with stones to remove and transmute energetic intrusions,
  • Attune to the master Reiki energy and an additional symbol,
  • Conduct comprehensive absentee healing sessions,
  • Shamanically travel to prevent soul loss and restore soul qualities,
  • Encourage energetic resilience and remove energetic cords,
  • Integrate Reiki with Tibetan, Maya, Quechua, and Siberian shamanic practices and sacred items​, and more.

Join like-hearted people in this lively experiential gathering. Reconnect with the healing power of nature and the innate ability to heal and balance through complex times.

Click here for upcoming Shamanic Reiki Master Practitioner in-person and virtual trainings dates and registration.

Debbie Philp is a Master Teacher and a Senior Mentor with Shamanic Reiki Worldwide. She has been teaching since 2017 and has completed all levels of study under Llyn Roberts in the Evolving Master Teacher program.