Nature-honoring ceremonies and experiential workshops heal on many levels. Join a workshop or ceremony so you can access this healing in a way that is personally authentic and empowering. Many of these events are offered virtually.
Wheel of the Year – Virtual Offerings
Gather virtually with like-hearted souls to celebrate ancient Celtic festivals, reimagined for modern times by practitioners of Druidry, Wicca, and other neo-Pagan traditions. By engaging in ceremonies throughout the year, you reconnect with the Earth’s rhythms and cycles and remember the ancestral wisdom you carry in your DNA.
Scroll through to see all upcoming ceremonies and register to receive the Zoom link. Through the virtual platform you will be able to see the ceremonial altar, as if you were in circle around it.
Each ceremony is $10. Plan to be online for about an hour. These ceremonies are not recorded, so please mark your calendar.

Coming in February 2024
Imbolc Ceremony
Imbolc celebrates the midpoint of astrological winter and the hope of spring to come.
During the Imbolc ceremony, you will by guided in a journey with the shamanic drum, receive a group animal spirit oracle card reading, and participate in a powerful ritual of faith in new beginnings and growth.
If possible, please have a small sprig of evergreen, a cast iron or other type of fireproof cauldron or pot, and a lighter or matches. If you do not have these or cannot safely burn the greens where you are, they will be visible on the ceremonial altar for the benefit of everyone participating.

Coming in March 2024
Ostara Ceremony
Ostara celebrates the vernal equinox and the astrological start of spring.
During the Ostara ceremony, you will by guided in a journey with the shamanic drum, receive a group animal spirit oracle card reading, and participate in a powerful ritual of planting hopeful intentions.
If possible, please have an egg (real or artificial – if real can be raw or hard boiled, shell dyed, etc.), a pencil, marker, or something else that will write on the egg, and a small flowerpot filled with soil. If you do not have these, please know that I will have them on the ceremonial altar for the benefit of everyone participating. If you do not have an egg, bring some paper to write on.

Coming in May 2024
Beltane Ceremony
Beltane, or May Day, celebrates the creativity and fertility of the Earth in bloom.
During the Beltane ceremony, you will by guided in a journey with the shamanic drum, receive a group animal spirit oracle card reading, and participate in a ritual of gratitude for blessings with colorful ribbons in a nod to the traditional Maypole dance.
If possible, please have some brightly colored ribbons or fabric scraps cut to about ten inches long, a pen or marker that will write on the ribbon, and, if possible, a small tree branch. If you do not have these, please know that I will have them on the ceremonial altar for the benefit of everyone participating. If you do not have a branch, you can tie your ribbons outside after the ceremony.

Coming in June 2024
Litha Ceremony
Litha celebrates the Summer Solstice and the longest day.
During the Litha ceremony, you will by guided in a journey with the shamanic drum, receive a group animal spirit oracle card reading, and participate in a ritual.
More details coming soon.

Coming in August 2024
Lughnasadh Ceremony
Lughnasadh honors the first harvest.
During the Lughnasadh ceremony, you will by guided in a journey with the shamanic drum, receive a group animal spirit oracle card reading, and participate in a ritual.
More details coming soon.

Sunday, September 24th, 2023 at 7:30pmET
Mabon Ceremony
Mabon is the celebration of the Autumn Equinox.
During the Mabon ceremony, you will by guided in a journey with the shamanic drum, receive a group animal spirit oracle card reading, and participate in a ritual.
More details coming soon.

Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 at 7:30pmET
Samhain Ceremony
Samhain honors the final harvest, the ancestors, and the shift into the dark.
During the Samhain (pronounced soo-ween) ceremony, you will by guided in a journey with the shamanic drum, receive a group animal spirit oracle card reading, and participate in a ritual of sending messages to those who have passed.
If possible, please have a journal or paper and something to write with, and, for the ritual, a piece of paper, a pen, small cast iron pot (or other fireproof container) on a heatproof pad, a tealight candle, and a lighter or matches. If you do not have some or all of those items, they will be on the ceremonial altar for the benefit of everyone participating. Options will be given for those who cannot safely burn paper indoors.

Thursday, December 21st, 2023 at 7:30pmET
Yule Ceremony
Yule honors the winter solstice and the return of the light.
During the Yule ceremony, you will by guided in a journey with the shamanic drum, receive a group animal spirit oracle card reading, and participate in an empowering ritual of rebirthing your purpose.
If possible, please have one or more candles in safe holders and a lighter or matches. If you do not have candles, they will be on the ceremonial altar for the benefit of everyone participating, so you will be able to witness the return of the light.